I was having technical difficulty with my blog. I'd write a post and publish it, but it wouldn't show up on my web site. Being a cheap-a**, I have avoided paying for blogging services, so I would just have to poke around the Blogger web-site, looking for clues as to what was wrong. Hmmm, now we've got this coool GUI set-up. Maybe it will work this time.
About Me
- Name: Carny Asada
I once had to live in a state with no burritos for five years. Five. Years. And then in the sixth year, a Taco Bell opened...
Previous Posts
- Oh. My. God! I just visted Taqueria Zamorano, at ...
- It's been a while since I visited, but it's been a...
- I'm not sure why this member of the allium family ...
- The April 29th "Sherman's Lagoon" is burrito-relat...
- How low would you go to eat a burrito? I just lear...
- Yes! Finally, a googlewhack with burrito phrea tic...
- I hope this template change will make Burritoville...
- Damn. I got SO close to a whack: burrito meistersi...
- I was googlewhacking today -- tried "burrito apoth...
- The History of the California Burrito is the start...
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